Sunday 6 July 2008

Can we stop the spread of MRSA

I published a video recording in Medica 2005 explaining about this threatening "war with bugs". Not many cared, because its easy to swollow lies than accept the truth.

Most politicians, primary care workers, health officials are still saying that the people affected with MRSA "tend to be elderly and frail and suffering from a range of serious conditions". This is the thing of the past; we are still bombarded with message from the media who got frenzy and still pointing their finger at “Dirty hospitals”. These papers are also hyping up information about clay, honey, garlic, and natural products that may cure infections. We know various drug companies have suddenly started investing in Antibiotic research and some are prematurely publishing information that they have identified a cure.

People acquiring a dangerous bacterial infection were hyped up driven by compensation claims. All patients, whatever their age, require care and are not subjected to an extra hazard and we know that most of these infections are preventable provided the doctors and nurses take care of themselves. I don't know how the schools, prisons, army barracks, and Gym are going to cope once they hear of some one getting infected.

Many people (3 out of 10) are colonized with MRSA and bring it into the hospital with them is also frequently heard and, indeed has been proved to be true. However, a simple method of establishing this, and one of the most potent methods of preventing the spread of infection within a hospital, is screening before a patient is admitted, or on admission, and isolated until a negative result has been ignored. The government is pressing on and going ahead creating the so called "Polyclinic" (I call this "The Bug Chambers") where we can all share our colonies and in-fact get some new breeds too.

The rapid test available and approved in the US and the Netherlands which facilitate this process of identifying carriers. This testing is said to cost £25m every year, the bad news about this is that you get to know you may die in 2 years (23% are likely to die in 2 years) and has been proved not to reduce the spread of infection unless they are strictly isolated. The insurance companies will refuse to pay and doctors will not operate on you. This is likely to be a death sentence worse that HIV.

Prevention, rather than treatment, is the only option available and more effective as far as patient and staff safety is concerned, and also it is much more cost effective in the long run or until some one comes out with a miracle cure.

Why on earth, is the BMA talking about smoking, alcohol, and teenage pregnancy when we must all concentrate and invest in educating people how they could save their families and their lives by simply taking adequate care of their hands and nose.


Superbug: MRSA colonization - the long-term risk

Superbug: MRSA colonization - the long-term risk: "MRSA colonization - the long-term risk
One of the ongoing puzzles of MRSA's behavior is the significance of colonization, that situation of MRSA living on the skin — or in the nostrils or other locations close to the body's external surface — without causing illness. It's not known how frequently MRSA colonization occurs, for one thing: The long-standing estimate of 1% of the population has been challenged by a number of recent studies."